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How to be an agent of change?


In the world of biotech, medtech and pharma, no one can afford to stand still. Against a background of demanding legislation dealing with product liability, and increasing demand and competition, it is essential that key individuals are in place to drive things forward while being totally adaptable.

Considering the crucial differences between management and leadership, we must also look at how life science organisations should implement change, to remain flexible, adaptable and competitive. An agent of change is someone who can help accelerate transformation, pushing the boundaries while getting others to buy into their ideas. Change agents become vital catalysts in helping businesses and organisations develop.

Starting a Movement

Change should never simply be for the sake of it. It must be meaningful. One of the key aspects of leadership is having an influential relationship with others. In other words, having the ability to firstly convey the meaning behind change; and secondly, bringing others with you because they understand what your drive to change is for. In effect, you are starting a movement by becoming a change agent. This requires clear vision, and a willingness to lead by example. You must create concrete initiatives, and link the change you are driving to specific performance outcomes. Change only means something if it leads to improvement.

Know Yourself, and Others

The starting point for becoming an agent of change is your relationship with others. For them to get behind your drive for change they must trust you. People are loyal and dedicated to those whom they trust. At the same time, you must know yourself and your own perceptions. You might at first feel like you have a mountain to climb, but you must be clear in your own mind about surmounting any obstacles. You must be patient and persistent because change does not happen overnight. You need to work at it diligently.

Disruption Can Be a Good Thing

In driving and leading change, disruption is part of the process. People may experience a degree of discomfort, but as a change agent, you need to convince them that they can step out of their comfort zones just as you have out of yours. You will be asking tough questions because you want people to feel accountable for change. If they do this, they can more strongly believe in it and believe in you. Being an agent of change requires you exert influence while establishing trust.

Contact Us

If you think you have the kind of qualities that will make you a valuable asset in pharma or biotech, please contact GXPeople Global. We specialise in finding the right quality candidates for key roles. We believe that excellence excels.

Posted by: GXPeople Global Ltd.